A new way to save money! For the first time ever, I ordered my groceries on Walmart’s online grocery app – a free app available in the play store or iTunes. You simply go through your list and put items in your cart, pick when you will pick up your groceries, pay (payment is not processed until you pick up your loot), and waa-laa – you have finished shopping! Yes, this saves lots of time in the grocery store, and we all love that, but how, do you ask, does it save money? The special nugget of truth is this: if you are just going through your list, adding items to your cart, you are far less likely to buy impulsively. The allure of the isle is strong; bypassing that temptation helps tremendously to avoid excess spending. In addition, it keeps you from wandering the rest of the store, looking at all of the things you just “have to have”! That part I kind of enjoy, but if you’re in a crunch, for time or money, this new option can be a lifesaver!